Thursday 25 May 2017

Queens We Love Angelica Sanchez

Miss Florida F.I. at Large is a Pulse survivor and a queen who is blessed

Q: What was the first drag show you saw? Tell us about the experience…

A: The first drag show that I saw was actually a pageant called “Miss Liberty Vouge” in Jacksonville, Florida. I was probably about 16 or 17 years old. I was truly amazed at the costumes and the level of talent. Some friends of mine went and I was able to sneak in to watch.


Q: When did you decide you wanted to do drag and when did you realize it would be a profession?

A:  I saw a video of Sierra Foxxx, and it made me want to do drag. So I decided to try and do every talent show that I could. I realized from doing the talent shows that even if I didn’t win, I still made tips. That’s when I knew I could make a profession out of it. Those tips provided lunch money for the week at school.
Q: Who is your drag mother and who is your favorite queen other than your drag mother — and why?

A: My friends and I were too young to get into the clubs, so we would go to Krystals and hang out. Everyone would go there after going to 3D and other clubs in Jacksonville. One night I saw this beautiful girl with a red gown on; it was Stasha Sanchez, who became my drag mother. My favorite entertainer besides my drag mom is Tamisha Iman.
Q: What’s your favorite number to perform and why?

A: My favorite number to perform is “Me, Myself, and I” by Beyonce.


Q: What’s the best thing that has happened to you in drag?

A: The best thing that happened to me in drag… the wonderful people I’ve met! I’ve been blessed to accomplish so much, but I couldn’t have done it without all of the wonderful friends, my drag family, and the fans I’ve met from doing drag.
Q: What differentiates you from other queens?  What makes you unique?

A: What’s different about me is the experiences I’ve been through. I was blessed to call Pulse my home, in Orlando.  Surviving the incident on June 12th makes me different because I don’t take things for granted anymore. R.I.P. to the 49. Orlando strong!
Q: What does the future hold for you?

A: I thank God to be able to have a future ahead of me. Right now, my future is making sure that I’m the best Miss Florida F.I. at Large that I can be! I’m so blessed to be a part of this great family.
You can catch Angelica performing at the Parliament House on Tuesday nights and Southern Nights. Now that she is Miss Florida F.I. at Large, you can catch her performing at Boardwalk and around South Florida regularly. She will also be performing at the Boardwalk in Fort Lauderdale from time to time.

Why We Love her

She is a multi-national title holder, but very down to earth.
She does Beyonce like no one else!
She won Miss Florida F.I. at Large on her first try.
She is a survivor of the Pulse massacre and helped some of the other entertainers escape.



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