Friday 22 September 2017

SMART Ride 14 Postponed

Irma-A storm that packed winds of up to 180 miles approached the mainland of the United States on Saturday, September 9th and entered around Cudjoe sound in the Florida Keys. The storm was unprecedented in size and power. As a result of the storm, the Keys has had to hit the “Pause Button”. 

The pause button means SMART Ride 14 needs to be postponed. WHEN WILL we be able to ride and crew? The honest answer is “We just don’t know”, BUT we are working as quickly as possible to get answers. The goal is to reschedule the ride for the first quarter of 2018.

Decision Factors:

  • Hawks Cay is closed through January 2018 at the earliest
  • Most other resorts within 25 miles of Duck Key and Hawks Cay are all temporarily closed
  • All agencies felt that the decision to postpone was the right decision for each of you and for respecting the Keys recovery.
  • Over 10,000 FEMA workers are working, or will be working in the Keys from Key Largo to Key West with trucks and vehicles sharing the same road as us
  • Storm Debris…it’s just nasty, not only does it often block our bike lanes and shoulders, it also really really stinks from all the seaweed washed ashore and in the brush. No one wants to drive in that, let alone ride a bike with that smell.
  • Safety of every participant
    • We don’t yet know extend damage to the rest stops
    • We don’t yet know the extent of repair to the damaged roads
    • We don’t yet know when all the infrastructure, water and power will return
    • We do know that trees are barren, that emergency,  county and state workers are doing their best to keep up with the extensive demands

What the SMART Ride needs from you:

  • It’s important to continue to ride, to continue to train and continue to raise awareness on the road by your presence.
    • It’s a healthy decision, especially right now to reduce stress,
    • It’s good for you mentally
    • It’s heart healthy (at least I think so)
    • It’s sexy with you in your riding clothes
    • It’s great practice
  • It’s important to re-start your fundraising as soon as it is appropriate. The need remains great for those affected by HIV and AIDS. Our agencies are counting on you to meet not only the needs before the storm, but the unprecedented across the state need that has arisen. Remember many of the clients we all benefit have a hard time day-to-day. They all just experienced losses of food, shelter and more.WE can make their lives better
  • Your friends and family are counting on you to make a difference in this world and they support your willingness to be so selfless.

For updates:


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