Tuesday 3 April 2018

PayPal Founder Peter Thiel Lambastes Political Correctness

There’s a serial bomber at large in Austin, Texas. Two people have been killed and at least three injured in four separate bombing incidents. The target of these bombs appear to be black and brown people. Once upon a time this would have been front page news across the country. But the Trump presidency has been such a horror show that the second coming of Ted Kaczynski is being treated like an aside outside of Texas.

And that’s why I hate investor and PayPal founder Peter Thiel.

Okay, wait a minute. Let me back up. I don’t hate Thiel. But I do not like him. At all. I think he’s a pretty horrible person.

And, to be clear, I’m not blaming the bombings on him. (Although if it does turn out to be Thiel then you read it here first!)

But the fact that Thiel not only backed Trump in the 2016 election, but is still backing him now over a year into this disaster of a presidency shows that Thiel lacks a certain something. That something being integrity, or morality or compassion for people who aren’t billionaires and are actually suffering under Trump’s hateful and petty administration.

I know it’s not cool to make generalities, but rich people are the worst. I know, I know. There are nice rich people out there (probably). But if the Trump era (and may it be the shortest era known to mankind) has highlighted anything, it’s that the more money you have the more shit you can get away with. Trump and his family are the perfect example of how money can’t buy class or character. But it can buy a presidency apparently.

But back to Thiel. Thiel, a gay man, backs a president who has done everything he can to roll back advances in LGBTQ rights, because Thiel can afford to. Literally.

It reminds me of a certain powerful lesbian named Mary Cheney during a time when her dad was the vice president in an administration that was openly hostile to LGBTQ people. So lucky for her that she was insulated from all of that through power and wealth.

During a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox News Thiel said, “Our greatest political problem is the problem of political correctness.”

Said the white rich guy who sued Gawker media out of existence for daring to publish that he is gay. I’m not saying that outing people is great, but it appears that Thiel’s sexual orientation was not a secret. And that his fire and fury lawsuit was literally inspired by speech he did not like kinda makes his whole “political correctness” stance look like BS.

Lambasting “political correctness” is the go-to for sexists and racists and homophobes alike when complaining that “you can’t even tell a gal she has nice tits anymore,” or “it’s reverse racism that only black people are allowed to use the N-word” or “can you believe my kid got detention for calling someone a fag?”

What Thiel really means is that there is too much liberal politics in Silicon Valley. Such liberal political dominance, says Thiel, has made it a very “totalitarian place” that isn’t open to opposing ideas.

Ideas like, “The giant baby-man from the ‘you’re fired’ show on TV who rage-Tweets at the FBI all day instead of reading national security briefings and who has made the White House into a veritable ‘Keeping Up With the Trumpashians’ is a great president. All hail our great leader.”

And considering how Trump has been everything that those who voted against him feared he would be, and worse, I’d say anywhere that’s rejecting him is at least doing that one thing right.

In other news, Thiel says that Bitcoin is going to be the next big thing. Be sure to stock up so you have enough money to compensate for the civil rights you stand to lose under Trump.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/04/03/paypal-founder-peter-thiel-lambastes-political-correctness/

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