Monday 4 June 2018

SAVE’s Statement on Court’s Gay Wedding Cake Case Ruling

Tony Lima: “Today the Court recognized the harm of discrimination and reaffirmed that states can act to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination.

The Court’s decision is limited specifically to this one case and calls into question actions from the Colorado Civil Rights Commission – but it leaves intact Colorado’s LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination protections, as well as similar protections in 19 states and 200+ cities and towns.

This case is not about cake and never has been. This case is about upholding America’s founding promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. It’s important to remember: our communities are strongest when everyone – including LGBTQ people – are treated fairly and equally under the law.

Now more than ever, it’s going to be important for us to share our stories – to make clear why nondiscrimination protections at the state and federal levels are so urgently needed.

Despite today’s ruling, we know the vast majority of the business community stands with us. We believe the majority of business owners will do the right thing and continue to keep their doors open to all Americans. I’ve seen this first-hand as we continue to expand our Business Equality Network throughout South Florida.

Rest assured, the team at SAVE will continue to work hard to ensure our state and federal laws reflect our country’s values of treating everyone with dignity and respect, and of equality under the law for all.”



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