Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Your Top Excuses NOT to Exercise: Busted

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for you. Exercise is not only a key ingredient in maintaining a healthy weight, it also helps many of the body’s systems function better. It can ward off heart disease, help control blood pressure and cholesterol, fight type 2 diabetes, and even keep certain forms of cancer at bay. Plus, exercise has been shown to improve energy, boost libido, and alleviate anxiety and depression. So, what’s your excuse for not breaking a sweat? Here are some common reasons guys use for not exercising and why you should keep from falling into these ruts.

“I’m too tired.” Whether you drag yourself out of bed an hour earlier to exercise or make yourself get to the gym after a dog day at work, you won’t be sorry. Once you lace up your running shoes or get through the front door of your health club, you’ll feel the rush of exhilaration in no time! Working out improves muscle strength and bolsters endurance by getting blood flowing to your heart, lungs and other tissues. The more oxygen and nutrients you get into your system, the more energy you’ll have.

“I’m hurting too much to exercise.” When your body is hurting you’ve got to pay attention to it, take care of it, and if necessary, consult your doctor. But when done right, exercise is a perfect remedy for most daily aches and pains. Yoga, stretching, water aerobics and walking can greatly strengthen muscles that support your joints. Light weight training at any age and almost under any condition can help preserve lean muscle mass, improve flexibility, and maintain healthy bone density.

“Exercise is boring.” Sure, an hour on a tread mill can be an intolerable bore. Maybe pumping iron in a crowded gym is not your idea of a picnic in the park. But exercise doesn’t have to be tedious. Swimming in the ocean, yoga classes, Zumba, even walking your dog are all popular activities in South Florida. If your program is more structured and centered around doing regular cardio and weights, make sure to change it up every 3 months or so. Keep a journal to assess your progress, set new goals, try new routines and equipment. Don’t be afraid to raise the bar and challenge yourself to achieve greater and healthier heights.

“I’m too busy.” We all have work and commitments and stuff that take up time and attention. But your health and well-being cannot be placed on the back burner without paying heavy consequences later. Schedule your gym time, walks or runs, exercise classes, and any other form of activity that tickles your fancy into your day. Don’t let meetings, conferences and other work take away the great fun and healthful benefits you’ll accrue from an active lifestyle.

So, what’s your excuse for not exercising? Shoot it to me in a text or e-mail and I’ll put holes in it and have you back into a routine in no time!

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/04/23/your-top-excuses-not-to-exercise-busted/

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