Monday 31 July 2017

LGBT Community Speaks Out on Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

“Currently, there are over 15,000 openly transgender people proudly serving in our military. This morning, those 15,000 patriotic transgender people woke up to learn that their Commander-in-Chief called them a “burden” and a “disruption” via a string of tweets. Countless trans people have bravely fought and died for our country, while Trump received five deferments  from the Vietnam war draft. The contrast could not be more striking.”

-GINA LEIGH DUNCAN, Director of Transgender Equality, Equality Florida

“Donald Trump has… put a target on the backs of 15,000 transgender troops proudly serving in our military. This heinous and disgusting action endangers the lives of American service members, undermines military readiness and makes our country less safe. It is also the latest effort by Trump and Mike Pence to undo our progress and drag LGBTQ people back into the closet by using our lives as political pawns.”

-CHAD GRIFFIN, president, Human Rights Campaign

“To our 15,000 transgender brothers and sisters currently serving in the military and to those who had aspirations to serve and protect us and our country… as former military, I stand with you, I support you, and you matter!! Keep the faith; you have many people fighting for you, as you have dedicated yourselves to fight for us.”

-TERRY DeCARLO, GLBT Community Center of Central Florida

“Transgender people show more courage when they leave their f—ing houses in the morning than Donald Trump has shown his entire life…”

-MATT BELLASSAI, social media commentator

“The previous administration ended an 18-year ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, and ensured same-sex partner benefits and workplace protections to LGBT federal contractors throughout the service branches – citing moral and economic imperatives for doing so. The Trump administration must realize what damage blocking transgender service members will do for our military readiness and economic health.”

-JUSTIN NELSON and CHANCE MITCHELL, president and CEO, respectively, of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, in a statement.


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