Thursday 27 July 2017

Terry DeCarlo Accepts New Postion at GLBT Center

The GLBT Center of Central Florida announced that at his request, Terry DeCarlo would be stepping down as Executive Director, but staying with the agency as Chief Communications Officer. The new position, which takes effect immediately, will allow DeCarlo to handle the demands of media relations, communications and events that have increased significantly over the last year. The day-to-day duties at the organization will be handled by Center staff who will take on additional roles.

“This decision was not an easy one,” said DeCarlo. “However, with all that has happened during my tenure as Executive Director, I need, for my health, and for my relationship, to step back from the day to day grind. Now that construction on the new building is coming to a close, and we have passed the one year mark of the Pulse tragedy, this is the perfect time for me to make this transition. I am so proud of the community, the board, and the staff for all they have done to help me along on this journey, and I look forward to this new opportunity.”

DeCarlo also added, “I am also ecstatic that the board created the position of Chief Communications Officer. In my new capacity, I will represent The Center at all events, create communications, coordinate media and be the chief spokesperson. I will also remain on the OnePulse Foundation and the Orlando United Assistance Center advisory boards, because both are very important to me, and to the community”

According to Board President, Jeffrey Buak, “Terry has accomplished a tremendous amount as Executive Director of the Center. He has, no doubt, taken the organization to a new level with his leadership. The board, however, realizes that the Center has taken on an increased role in the LGBT community.  The Center’s national and international exposure has blossomed. We have experienced increased demands for communications, media relations and special events. Terry has become the face of the organization, and has shown significant strength in telling our story and casting the Center in a positive light. We are very pleased that he has accepted this new role.”


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