Tuesday 23 January 2018

Seven Tips For Never Missing a Workout

We are well into 2018 and many folks have begun to turn their New Year’s resolutions into reality. Some have launched into new exercise programs, shed extra pounds and already feel energized and renewed. Others have revised long held workout regiments so that they can reap even greater rewards this year. And if you’re one of many who haven’t started exercising yet, now’s the time to get with a program that’s fun and effective for you! No matter which of the above scenarios fits your present situation, the key to enduring success with any exercise program is to make sure you never miss those workouts. Here are a few ways to stick with your fitness plan and keep it consistent and fun.

Have a masterplan. On the weekend before, map out your workouts for each of the following days. Maybe you’re going to weight train 3 days of the week. One day you’re hitting the pool for laps with friends. On other days it’s a power walk or a nature hike. Diversify your activities and make them enjoyable, occasions to look forward to with joy.

Schedule your exercise routine into your calendar. Tell friends and co-workers that you’ll be unavailable during those times. Better yet, drag a couple of them along to workout, too. Try and workout the same time everyday if you can to reinforce the habit.

Prep your meals ahead of time. Your exercise program, indeed all of  your activities are fueled by the way you eat. On Sundays prepare chicken breasts, tuna or pasta salads, chopped veggies, fresh fruit and easy to grab snacks for the week ahead. A sound nutritional plan is as important to your fitness plan as any class or workout. The more prepared you are, the healthier you’ll eat all week.

Morning workouts are best. Exercising earlier in the day is a dynamite way to rev your metabolism, burn excess calories and blood sugar, and ease anxiety and depression. If this is impossible, know that exercise any time of the day is beneficial to your health and appearance.

Be prepared and ready to go. Even if you’re not exercising first thing, wake up and pack your workout gear, shoes, and iPhone armband. Keep these handy and in your car to remind you how vital your workouts are today.

Don’t be OCD about your workouts. Exercising can be fun and habit-forming, but less intense workouts are OK, too. Sometimes you just won’t have time for an hour of weights or a Zumba class. A 15- minute walk or 20 minutes of stretching are also ways to burn calories and alleviate stress.

Commit to someone. Paying for sessions with a trainer or setting a schedule with a workout bud will ensure that you’ll not skip exercising on those days when you’d rather “skip’ the gym.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/01/23/seven-tips-for-never-missing-a-workout/

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