Thursday 2 March 2017

Hot Talk: The Best Chatter on Facebook This Week

“There was something burning inside that said, ‘Right, you can’t hide it anymore. You’ve got to be free and be true to yourself and let it go out there’.”
DANNY WATTS, 37, British race car driver, coming out as gay. Watts won the legendary Le Mans 24 Hour Endurance Race in 2010 but has since retired.

“Just by staring at her for a period of time, one can rid themselves of the plague of homosexualism.”
PAT ROBERTSON, Christian conservation leader, referring to the beauty of First Lady Melania Trump.

“Well, I’ll give the Vice channel one thing: all of their food-related shows feature hosts that are all sloppy looking and don’t appear to practice good hygiene, so although the actual food looks delicious, watching them consume it takes the hunger right out of you. It’s like a subliminal diet.”
ADAM COHEN, West Palm Beach blogger and social commentator

“To love another is not about living struggle-free or never experiencing hurt or loss, but to fully and deeply open our hearts to one another without fear.”
CHRIS SALVATORE, gay Eating Out star, who had moved his ailing 89-year-old neighbor into his NYC apartment so he could better care for her. Norma passed away to pneumonia last week.

“People were being ushered into a deeply religious experience…and it made me completely uncomfortable. I felt like people we were here to worship an ideology along with the man who was leading it…”
Pastor JOEL TOOLEY, lead pastor at First Church Of The Nazarene in Melbourne, Fla., describing a Trump rally there last week which, he said, left his daughter and him traumatized.

“Rescission of the Obama Administration’s guidelines and protections for transgender students is an appalling and devastating action by the Departments of Justice and Education. This administration, and this President, has vowed to be an ally of the LGBTQ community; yet this action is a direct contradiction to that declaration.”
MATT THORN, executive director of Outserve (OS-SLDN), the nation’s largest non-profit, legal services, advocacy and policy organization dedicated to LGBT equality in America’s military, responding to the rescinding of guidelines which allowed transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identities.


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