Tuesday 15 May 2018

Newly Confirmed NASA Head Has a Long History of Homophobia

Congratulations, LGBTQ America! Donald Trump, the man who stumbled and swindled and lied his way to the presidency, has finally made good on his promise to be the very bestest president queers ever done seen.

One word: Germany.

Okay, more than one word: gay. Trump appointed a gay man, Richard Grenell, ambassador to Germany, and hes confirmed and everything.

Mark my words: By the end of his presidency America will be repped to the world by LGBTQ people exclusively because Trump loves his LGBTQs just as much as he loves his African-American.

Ha ha! Just kidding. Grenell is a nice touch and all, but thats like squirting some contact lens solution onto a roaring fire and saying you tried to put it out. Because the Trump administration is an anti-LGBTQ inferno.

Take, for example, another recent appointee: Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK). Bridenstine now heads NASA, aka, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, after being confirmed by the Senate along party lines.

But his confirmation took a long time. Seven months! And if you follow Trump on Twitter (and I dont advise it, because hes super awful and unhinged), you know that hes been crying on the internet about how those damn obstructionist Democrats have been holding up his nominations and they are so mean and nasty: Boo hoo, they wont let me stack the government with completely unqualified and hateful people.

Bridenstines nomination was slow going because a lot of Democrats did, in fact, oppose him. With good reason! Not only is he a climate change denier (which, in a normal administration, would be problematic for a nominee chosen to head an agency that plays a role in studying such change, but in this administration is par for the course), he also hates the gays. Which is also a popular position in his administration, but not in America as a whole so much (despite how horrible things may seem right now).

A little about Bridenstine: He received a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s latest Congressional Scorecard. Again, with good reason!

Take the Boy Scouts, for example. As you may remember, they used to not allow gay boys to be scouts. In 2013, they lifted that ban. And Bridenstine was not having it.

Some of us in America still believe in the concept of sexual morality, that sex is intended for one man and one woman within the institution of marriage. Organizations that hold this philosophy and promote it among our youth should be commended, or at least you would think, tolerated, Bridenstine said in a speech on the House floor. Unfortunately, the intolerant left bullies and browbeats private organizations like the Boy Scouts into accepting their philosophy. Notice they didn’t start their own organization. They went after the Boy Scouts of America.

Darn those gays and that intolerant left, so lazy they wouldnt even start their own separate-but-equal group for gay and/or sexually immoral scouts!

The left’s agenda is not about tolerance, and it’s not about diversity of thought, Bridenstine continued. It’s about presenting a worldview of relativism, where there is no right and wrong.

Ah, the old gays dont even know right from wrong argument. Its a short jump from there to talking about penises and butts.

While I could make a joke about how Bridenstine should be launched into space where he can start his own right-wing moon colony, I will not. I believe the work NASA does is important, and I’m disappointed to see someone in charge who not only doesnt seem to value that work, but who also besmirches the legacy of astronaut Sally Ride.

Its because of people like Bridenstine that Ride didnt come out as a lesbian until her obituary. She and her partner of 27 years, Tam OShaughnessy, deserved better. America deserves better, too.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/05/14/newly-confirmed-nasa-head-has-a-long-history-of-homophobia/

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