Wednesday 25 July 2018

Sweat Equity: Making Your Workouts Payoff

Adhering to a schedule of healthy eating, keeping up with regular medical check-ups, and getting enough sleep requires a lot of work. Sticking to these basic habits along with meeting the demands of work and a social life can be overwhelming. So why do you bother squeezing exercise into an already hectic lifestyle?

Always make time for things that are important to you, and nothing is more important than good health. Working out with weights and doing regular cardio are draining and time consuming. Yet their benefits are infinite. You’ll not only look better, you’ll live longer and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in health care expenses. Doubt me? Just get sick, I mean really sick, like a week in the hospital and you’ll see what I mean. Don’t know where to start? Begin with simple activities you like: walking, swimming, or biking. Eventually exercise will become a part of your daily routine if you can learn to enjoy yourself!

Stop making excuses and procrastinating. Besides work and loved ones, exercise and good nutrition should be goals for everyone. Yet pampered expensive cruises and vacations and wild weekend partying often take precedence as waistlines widen, butts get bigger and life is cut shorter by bad and unhealthy decisions. Sure, there are short cuts available like plastic surgery and steroids, but these are quick patchy fixes compared to what discipline and hard work can achieve. A beautiful, natural body at every age obtained through sacrifice, dedication and lots of sweat is a wonderful thing to behold and possess!

Why not start today and design a winning strategy to get and stay fit. Consider three factors as you ponder a program: schedule flexibility, workout simplification, and diversification.

Schedule flexibility is crucial in these times of unplanned events, hectic traffic and chaotic work schedules. A sharp guy begins the day with a plan so that he can accomplish everything that is important. Nothing is more crucial than your workout, so schedule a time and try to stick with it. Join a gym that is conveniently located between work and home. Most gyms have extended hours, so if you get derailed don’t despair. Your body responds to exercise whether it’s 7AM or 7 PM.

Simplify and diversify your exercise routine. If you were set to hit the weight room at 6 PM, but had to work late, then pump-up at home. A few dumbbells are inexpensive, but they can make a difference on days you don’t get to the gym. Do some push-ups, crunches and stretches during breaks at work. Bike around your neighborhood on weekends. Take a swim in the ocean or that pool you pay someone to maintain. Do something, anything, just put those muscles into motion! Of all the investments you’ll make in life, a commitment to regular exercise will reap the greatest benefits.


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