Tuesday 31 July 2018

Four Things You Never Want to Hear From Your Trainer

Having a personal trainer can really help you achieve your health and fitness goals. A great trainer teaches you proper form, holds you accountable and gives you that extra push you need to get results. Yet, not all trainers are alike, and if yours offers you any of the following “gems of wisdom” it may be time to serve him his walking papers.

1) “All of my clients get results from this program and so will you!” Because no two human bodies are alike, there’s no way of guessing exactly how one person’s body is going to respond to a workout and nutrition program. To achieve optimal results, an effective fitness regime must be tailor-made to each individual client’s needs. You have no time for cookie cutter routines or someone who treats you like every other client. Your trainer should request your doctor’s clearance before beginning a program. He should take measurements regularly to chart your progress. A diligent trainer will listen to you on an ongoing basis and keep you safe as you achieve solid results gradually over time.

2) “Spot training is the way to train those problem areas.” You can’t dictate how your body loses fat or builds muscle. Everyone has certain problem areas- those pesky love handles, too much junk in the trunk- that need to be addressed with training. Likewise, every guy wants bigger arms, smaller waist, stronger legs, etc. Strength training combined with effective cardio training and a solid nutrition program is the surest way to reduce fat not just in one area, but across your entire body. A variety of weight training exercises that target muscles individually and in combination with other muscle groups is the best way to maintain and build muscle in all areas.

3) “The Bosu ball is the best way to train core.” At some point Bosu balls became all the rage. Doing everything on the ball from dumbbell curls to barbell squats was considered the best way to improve core strength. Unfortunately, this practice can be dangerous and seriously harm lots of people, especially neophytes, by throwing off their balance and coordination. The Bosu ball is one tool. Try doing core exercises using an exercise ball and some lighter weights for better and safer results.

4) “Cut out all carbohydrates and grab more protein!” Protein is essential after workouts since it’s the nutrient your muscles need most for recovery and growth. But the body also requires carbohydrates to assimilate protein. Carbs fuel your body for all activities from the moment you get out of bet until the time you finish the dishes at night! Try lower glycemic index carbs (whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables) early in the day for a steady supply of energy all day long. High glycemic index carbs like bananas, citrus, or a fruit smoothie after your workout will replenish glycogen stores and restore lost nutrients and energy expended during workouts.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/07/31/four-things-you-never-want-to-hear-from-your/

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