Wednesday 12 April 2017

Hot Talk: The Best Chatter on Facebook This Week!

“It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I was living a lie.”

WWII veteran PATRICIA DAVIES, aged 90, of the United Kingdom, who just came out as transgender. Davies was married for many years to a female but feared coming out as trans until now.

“With the latest revelations, I think we can all deduce that it would not be possible to place so many people with direct connections to Putin on one campaign unless it was being managed by one person with all the connections. Putin, Manafort, Flynn, Paige, Stone, et al. There is no conceivable way for these people to be coincidentally hired by any [one] administration. These are people bought and paid for by Russia. And it will all come out at some point. This is not going to end well…”

EVAN LOBEL., Fort Lauderdale
“I thought I would be disappointing them if they knew I was gay…”

Entertainer BARRY MANILOW, 70, explaining why he keep his same-sex partner a secret for 40 years.
“I’d say this cover represents me getting my long awaited revenge on all those boys who didn’t want to hold hands in public when I was finding out about love for the first time…”

Model ANDREJA PEJIC, who just made history by becoming the first transgender model on the cover of  the Portugal edition of GQ magazine.
“It doesn’t matter what color or gender or faith you are. There are so many marginalized groups right now under attack. When one of us is vulnerable, all of us are vulnerable.”

Actor PATRICIA ARQUETTE speaking at the GLAAD awards, at which she praised the life and “bravery” of Alexis Arquette, her late transgender sister.
“Hey, old couple trying to sell your cute house on 21st Court in Wilton Manors: Move your car with the Trump/Pence sticker and it might sell!”

Photojournalist STEPHEN R. LANG, Fort Lauderdale
“I mean…props to your kid for being on the honor roll, but putting that dopey bumper sticker on the car is more permanent than a tattoo… and what if he flunks out and is selling hand-jobs for loose change in a month or two? You just ruined a perfectly good car!”

ADAM COHEN, social commentator, West Palm Beach
“We believe climate change should be addressed on a global basis through multi-national agreements such as the Paris Agreement. We hope that the United States continues to play a constructive role in furthering solutions to these challenges, and at GE, we will continue to lead with our technology and actions.”

JEFF IMMELT, CEO of General Electric, taking President Donald Trump to task for his anti-climate and anti-science agenda.
“I think [young people] have no idea how we would be arrested in the streets and kept from ever feeling normal. I grew up when people didn’t believe it when you told them Liberace was gay. Liberace!”

Actor HARVEY FIERSTEIN, speaking to the Hollywood Reporter on the problem with today’s LGBTQ youth.


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