Wednesday 23 January 2019

I’m Afraid My Partner Will Leave Me If I Get Laid Off

Dear Andreus,

I have the guy of my dreams.  There is only one problem. I remember when we first met, how he used to talk about only wanting to be with someone who has their life together.  They must have a career, their own place, their own car, etc. Well, I had all of that, but got laid off a few months ago. I have been living on my savings, and now not only are my savings gone, but I got behind on my rent, and am about to lose my apartment.  I really have nowhere to go, and I can’t tell him any of this, in fear that he might leave me. I really don’t know what to do.



Dear Terrified,

Let’s cut right to the chase.  Anyone who truly loves you will understand that sometimes things happen in life that are beyond our control.  No one should make you feel bad for that. You should be able to tell him what is happening, and trust that he will be a support to you in your time of need.  If not, then at least you found out sooner than later. It would be one thing if you were just being lazy, but you were a victim of circumstance. And frankly speaking, someone who can’t be with you in the worst of times, does not deserve to be with you in the best of times.


Dear Andreus,

My girlfriend is from Connecticut, and she tells me all the time that she misses the cold.  I don’t want anything to do with the cold. I am from New York and settled in Florida a long time ago to get away from the freezing temperatures and snow. She keeps telling me that she wants us to move, and I have not directly told her no, in fear that it will cause serious problems between us.  How can I approach this situation?


Jenny R.

Dear Jenny R.,

Okay, if you two are in a relationship, are happy, and see this relationship going far, then sometimes there must be either sacrifice or some type of agreement.  Notice, I said agreement, because I don’t believe in compromise. Now, you don’t like the cold, and she misses it. As difficult as it might be at first, it might not be a bad idea to split your time between both places. You get a period of warmth, and she gets a period of cold.  It will be a sacrifice on both parts. Flat out saying no, might give you another problem, so let’s try to keep it to a minimum. If that doesn’t work, get back to me.


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