Wednesday 5 September 2018

Healthy Habits for Fall 2018

Summer is nearly over, but the sun and fun continue in South Florida way into the autumn months and beyond! Yet many athletes and fitness enthusiasts view the changing season, as an ideal time for assessing, re-evaluating and in some cases, overhauling their fitness routines. Whether it’s eating healthier, building lean muscle and losing fat, improving cardio-vascular health, or all of the above, here are some healthy habits to keep in mind this fall.

Maintaining a solid and healthy winning nutritional plan is the first step you need to take if you’re really serious about a fitness lifestyle. Studies indicate that people who eat 5-6 smaller, well-planned meals throughout the day, say every two to three hours, are going to have more energy, store less fat, and build lean muscle. Each feeding, you should aim for a 3-2-1 ratio of low glycemic index carbohydrates (fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains), lean protein sources (fish, chicken, beef), and mono or polyunsaturated fats (yogurt, low-fat cheese and dairy). Focus upon what you should be eating (all of the above), instead of fretting over what you shouldn’t (bust those fast food, junk food cravings; deep six refined sugar and white flour products). Drink at least eight tall glasses of water each day and curb the caffeine that is bound to mess up your sleep patterns at night. As far as weight loss goes, you want to lose fat not muscle, so aim for no more than 1-3 pounds per week by watching your nutrition and increasing your activity level.

Regular aerobic exercise will prolong and improve the quality of your life and help you to feel and look better. The International Sports Sciences Association recommends aerobic exercise three to five times a week for 20 to 60 minutes each session to maximize fitness gains and fat loss. Take advantage of cooler, less humid autumn weather to engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, biking, kayaking and fitness classes.

Always include regular weight training in your fitness plan. Strength training workouts are key to maximizing fat loss, improving posture and muscle tone and building bone density and flexibility. Make sure to work out each muscle group at least once a week using exercises that are challenging, but safe. Work out 4 to 5 times per week for twenty to forty minutes, tops.

When embarking upon a new fitness routine remember little common sense details that’ll make a big difference in the end. First, set healthy, realistic goals for yourself (losing a pound a week, signing up for and completing the Smart Ride) and congratulate yourself when you achieve them. Second, limit partying and drinking which deplete your energy and fill you with empty calories. Third, start some healthy activities (going to bed earlier, yoga, guided meditation) that are sure to supplement your diet and exercise program!


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