Wednesday 26 September 2018

Silence Partners

Dear Andreus,

My boyfriend seems to be bored with me. We go out and he is so happy to see everyone else, then when we leave, it’s like he doesn’t even want to talk. Our sex life has diminished as well. What do I do?


Lonely Boyfriend

Dear Lonely Boyfriend,

It seems like communication is the problem. As difficult and as painful as it may be, you are going to have to find a way to talk. Clearly something has changed in the dynamic of your relationship. The only way to find that out is to ask questions. There are key factors in this type of situation, such as; (1) the amount of time you spend together, (2) do you share common interest (3) do you want and/or expect the same things from your relationship. In essence, it sounds as if maybe your boyfriend is bored, or is looking for something more. Find out what is lacking, and try to address those things with an open mind. The mistake that most people make in relationship is complacency. They get too comfortable, and someone gets bored. You should treat your boyfriend/partner as if every day is your first date. Spontaneity is everything!!

Dear Andreus,

I have been with the same guy for 3 years now. He wants to get married, but is upset that I have not told my parents about us. I am not exactly out to them. How should l handle this?



Dear Confused,

I wish I could give you an easy answer. There are many factors at play here. But honestly, if you love him and you are willing to commit your life to him, what is holding you back from telling your family? This man desires to be a permanent fixture in your life, and wants to be completely open about it. Can you blame him? Marriage is something to celebrate for most, and something that most people want to share with their family and their friends. What you now have to decide is how important he is to you. If you cannot tell your family out of fear of disapproval or rejection, then you must ask yourself who is worth losing. Everyone will never be happy about the decisions you make in your life, but ultimately it is your life, and your happiness is paramount. If your family truly loves you, they may not approve, but they will accept.


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