Tuesday 25 September 2018

Intensify Your Workouts in Less Time

Face it. Your life is getting busier with each passing day. Certainly, keeping fit and looking fine are top priorities, but do you really have the energy and the time it takes to stay fit? Here are several methods guaranteed to help you tackle better workouts and achieve superior results in less than half the time.

Compound exercises combine two or more exercises, allowing you to train two or more muscle groups at a time. When you think about it, this is how you move in real life, using several different muscle groups at once to perform tasks and get work done. Compound exercises make you work harder, burn more calories, recruit more muscle fibers, and stimulate the release of muscle building hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone.

How do you perform compound exercises? Think of this concept as creative multi-tasking in the gym. Double up alternating dumbbell biceps curls as you perform lunges across the gym to execute a perfect compound set for upper and lower body. Perform dumbbell military presses and side raises as you sit upon a stability ball, thereby working deltoids and core at once. The possibilities are limitless!

Free weights rule when it comes to getting more bang for your buck in less time. Machines are very specialized and you’ve got to move from one machine to another as you work one muscle group at a time. You waste time standing in line, and when they break down, you’re at a loss as to what to do instead. Free weights – barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells – allow you to develop power, strength and endurance as they activate more muscle fibers and force you to work harder.

So, how do you move away from machines and more toward free weights? Step away from the pec deck and sculpt your chest with dumbbell flies reclining on a flat bench. Rather than performing overhead military presses at a universal machine, recruit a pair of dumbbells and perform seated or standing presses. Remember, for every gym machine there are at least a half dozen equivalent free weight exercises you can do instead.

Circuit training combines cardio with weight training to help you build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Moving rapidly from station to

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/09/25/intensify-your-workouts-in-less-time/

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