Tuesday 11 September 2018

How to Avoid Burnout by Making Your Workouts Sizzle

Keeping fit is a lifetime commitment filled with hard work and sacrifice. Sure, the results are worth it, but sometimes they come at quite a price. Whether you’re a professional athlete, or just an average guy trying to get into decent shape, there comes a time when you feel a little frustrated, burned out and, yes, even a little bored. Here’s a few tips to keep the mojo in those workouts!

Make working out your special time to get in touch with how your body works. Pressures and hassles abound at work and even at home. When you’re at the gym that’s your time to focus on you. Shut out all mental distractions. Limit conversation. If you’re working out with a partner or trainer, make sure that accomplishing your routine comes before chit chat. Lock your cell phone away somewhere. Tune in to some high energy music. Stay focused on using correct form and feel the burn with each muscle contraction. Keep in constant touch with your body, how you feel, what you are thinking as your body goes through the marvelous changes that accompany working out.

Everyone needs short- term and long- term goals to work toward while in the gym, otherwise you’re left spinning your wheels. Defining these goals and coming up with an effective way to reach them is called periodization. This is the most effective method of training. Break up the year into shorter 2 or 3- month intervals with their own goals. A short- term goal might be losing 5lbs before the holidays. Maybe you want to add 3 to 5lbs of muscle to your frame by springtime. Whatever it is, give yourself something to look forward to!

Insanity has been defined as doing the same things, the same way, all the time and expecting different results. The same can be said about your workouts. Think of ways to vary routines without losing the progress you’ve made. Check out the strides you can make with interval training or circuit training. These are two slightly different ways of training that will help build lean muscle and lose fat at the same time. Change from the same old machines you use at the gym to more free weights. Switch the days you work out and the time of day you hit the gym. Just remember, change can be a very good and exciting thing.

Book your workouts into your schedule. Your workouts are as essential and vital to your well-being as networking, power lunches and

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/09/11/how-to-avoid-burnout-by-making-your-workouts-sizzle/

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