Thursday 11 October 2018

Allergies & Age Differences

Dear Andreus,

My partner and I have been together for 3 years. So, in an effort to take things to the next step, we are planning to move in together. I am not particularly an animal person, mostly because of my allergies to pet dander. He has a dog and a cat. I could deal with them in short spurts, but now he is expecting me to live with them. I know it is wrong of me to ask him to get rid of them, but I cannot handle everyday life fighting my allergies. What do I do?



Dear Allergic,

That is indeed a tough one. Obviously, you and your partner love each other a great deal, since you are taking a serious step such as living together. I also understand how difficult dealing with allergies are. I am an animal lover, but am allergic to cats. You certainly cannot ask him to get rid of his dog and cat. If he is like most people I know, and has had them for any length of time, they are most certainly like family to him. The key here is trying to find a middle-ground so that everyone is happy. You could always talk to your doctor or an Allergist, and see if there is an OTC medication or prescription that you could take, that would help alleviate your symptoms. Try that out first, and if it works, then moving in should not be a problem. Make sure that the pets are groomed regularly which should also help, and commence to starting a live-in relationship with your partner and your new babies!!

Dear Andreus,

I have an amazing boyfriend for two years now. The issue, at least for my friends, is that I am 26 and he is 42. I am getting so tired of getting called a houseboy, or people thinking that I just want him because he is financially established. I really do love him, but my friends tell me that I should be with someone closer to my age, and so should he. I know it shouldn’t, but it really bothers me. I don’t want to lose my friends because I disagree with them, and I certainly don’t wanna lose him. How am I supposed to handle this?



Dear TornInTwo,

Let me cut right to the chase. If you love him, and he loves you, and you are happy, then age means nothing! No matter who you are with, people are always going to analyze your relationship and think what they want to. You have no control over that. What you do have control over is your happiness, and how much attention you give to the noise. Age has nothing to do with maturity or intelligence. If you spend all of your time worrying about what other people say or think about your relationship, you will miss out on it, and worse, eventually sabotage it. Do you, be with who you want to be with, and be happy. If your friends are really your friends, they will support you no matter what!


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