Wednesday 24 October 2018

Bad Habits that Make You Fat

On the average, most guys gain between one and two pounds per year. While this might not sound alarming, think about the 10-20 pounds you could pack on over a decade! Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program can certainly help you win the battle of the bulge with all its harmful ramifications. Yet there are certain bad habits that you need to avoid if you want to stick to a healthy weight. Do any of these behaviors sound familiar?

Skipping breakfast is a recipe for slowing down your metabolism and packing on the pounds. You may not feel hungry in the morning, too rushed and busy for a healthy breakfast, but you’ll pay a heavy price. Depriving yourself of this first important meal will cause your energy level to sag and sink early in the day. In addition, your body, already in a catabolic state, begins to store fat more readily. Something, anything in the morning is better than nothing. Ideally, shoot for a breakfast that is 3- parts low glycemic index complex carbs, 2 parts protein, and one- part unsaturated fat. Whole grain cereals and English muffins with almond butter, fresh fruit, turkey sausage or chicken breast and Greek yogurt are wise and delicious choices.

Eating a heavy supper too close to bedtime will slow digestion and hamper your sleep. Make sure your last meal of the day is about 2 hours before you retire. Avoid fried foods with their excess calories that you’ll never burn off. Instead try steamed, grilled or baked meals for lunch and supper. Spicy foods may spike your metabolism, but you should avoid them at night since they’re liable to cause indigestion or acid reflux. As for carbohydrates, it’s best to consume these earlier in the day when you’ve got the time to burn them off working out and running errands.

Eating dessert at night is one guilty pleasure that can get you into trouble quickly. The flour and sugar in cookies, cakes, and pies are transformed into fat cells overnight as you hit the sack. If you’ve got to have a sweet treat before bed, try fresh fruit in moderation or a filling fruit smoothie.

Drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol can have a negative effect on your sleep and add unwanted calories in your diet. Initially a cup of coffee may give you a lift and a cocktail may relax you, but excessive amounts of caffeine can wreak havoc on sleep patterns and alcohol contains useless extra calories that are turned to fat easily and rapidly. Instead try a cup of warm milk or herbal tea, or a natural fruit smoothie in the evening before retiring.

Besides the bad habits mentioned above, here are a few more that you need to keep in check. Grazing while watching television is a form of mindless eating that can result in lots of extra pounds quickly. Always measure out portions when you’re snacking and never eat directly out of bags or containers.


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