Wednesday 24 October 2018

Three’s a Crowd / Naughty Thoughts

Dear Andreus,

I have dear friends, and they are a couple. Recently one of them made advances towards me and I didn’t know how to react. In all honesty, I find him so f*cking hot, but I felt bad even listening to naughty things he said in his advances. His partner is my friend, and though we are not super close, I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to tell my friend out of loyalty. The other part of me wants to pounce on him and just go for it. I am so torn…

Naughty Thoughts


Dear Naughty Thoughts,
Whether or not you tell your friend that his boyfriend made advances towards you is your prerogative. But put yourself in your friend’s shoes. Would you want any of your friends doing anything with your boyfriend? Here you have to be the adult. Put his boyfriend in his place. Tell him that it is inappropriate, and that you have respect for you friend. I myself, always abide by something called the “Friend-Code.” I have established with my friends that we do not date, sleep with, or flirt with each other’s boyfriends, current interests, or exes. Acting on something like this can’t turn out well. Okay, so you might get the f*ck of your life, but is it worth it at the expense of a friendship? It’s up to you to either RIDE or RUN!!

Dear Andreus,

Recently on a night out on the Drive, my boyfriend and I both got kinda drunk. We met a really hot guy, and for the first time ever, we took someone home. It was great! The sex was amazing and I had a lot of fun. The next day, after the guy left, my boyfriend told me that he was uncomfortable and that he never wants to do that again. Now the problem is that I liked it, and I want to do it again. I don’t want my boyfriend to feel as if I am not into him anymore or anything like that, I just like the thrill of the new experience. I don’t wanna do it all the time, just every now and then. But he told me that he only wants sex to be between us. How can I address this without causing waves?

Three’s A Crowd,


Dear Three’s A Crowd,

Well, clearly, Pandora’s Box has already been opened. Now you have to deal with the TRUTH. I know that you say that everything is fine with you and your boyfriend, but reaching outside is usually a sign that either something is lacking, or that you maybe have gotten bored. How much do you love him? What more do you want in your sex life? Is there anything that you can change so spice things up? Honestly, if you two can come to a way to improve your own sex life without stepping out or involving another party, from the sounds of it, that is the best solution. Clearly this guy loves you, and the idea of sharing you with someone else is too much. So I would leave things as they are, don’t poke the bear. Because pushing something as delicate at this, can turn a wave into a tsunami. And we all know how destructive those are.


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