Wednesday 24 October 2018

Why #HimToo is Dangerous

If youve ever wanted to commit sexual assault, now is your chance. I mean, has there ever been a better time, especially for men assaulting women? We are in the midst of the Kavanaugh Window where no accusation of sexual assault, no matter how credible, will be believed.

After all, any woman accusing any man, especially any powerful man, will just be accused of jumping on the #MeToo bandwagon.

So go get your sault on. And, honestly, the weirder the better. Sexual assault is shame-inducing and demoralizing all on its own, but if you can make the experience extra embarrassing then that makes it even less likely to be reported at all! Not that you have to worry, because people wont believe her even if she does report. You could do something really crazy like ask her, Who has put pubic hair on my Coke [can]? Or tell her that you want to rub her [expletive] with a falafel.

Shout out to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and celebrity news host Bill OReilly who were accused of those very things respectively. And terrible things happened to them like (checks list) getting confirmed to the Supreme Court and continuing to be paid outlandish sums for pretending to be a journalist. Harsh!

Or maybe you committed a smidge or two of sexual assault in your past, say, as a young child of 17 who couldnt have possibly known that trying to make sex with a girl who didnt want to make sex with you was in any way wrong. Well, youre in luck, too, because attempted rape doesnt count if you were in high school. (Its also super helpful to be white and rich.)

Now, if youre a man and you want to sexually assault other males, well, that is not recommended, but who knows? Maybe sexual assault tide raises all sexual assault boats. Then again, some men tend to take that sort of thing marginally more seriously, or at least are a lot less concerned about punishing a homo than, you know, a normal guy who rapes.

If I seem angry, then sorry, but not sorry BECAUSE I AM ANGRY AND YES I AM YELLING.

With Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court, where he and Clarence Thomas can drink all the Cokes they want as they vote to take away a womans right to make decisions about her own body, by a president who has himself been accused of sexual assault and harassment many times over and who was caught on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, we are saying to women and men who have been sexually assaulted, You do not matter. We do not see you, we do not hear you, we do not care.

#HimToo is trending on Twitter. The idea is that men are the real victims here. Men have to live in constant fear that they will be falsely accused. In reality, men are much more likely to be sexually assaulted themselves than falsely accused. The idea that women make this stuff up for attention is insane. But its a lot easier to believe that than to actually address Americas systemic rape culture problem.

Thankfully if you search for #HimToo on Twitter you find mostly Tweets that begin with This is my son with pictures of people who are, in fact, not the users sons, in order to mock a post purportedly by a mother who Tweeted a picture of her son in a sailor suit and claimed that he wont go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind. I VOTE. The responses are truly hilarious.

And, man, I need to laugh because I feel like breaking something. But I cant come up with anything worth breaking compared to democracy. America is broken. And as far as I can tell, this break isnt going to ever fully heal. Im not saying America will never walk again. But if we ever get back on our feet, we will always have a noticeable limp.

We will always have a reminder of what happened when we were careless. When we were cruel. When we didnt #BelieveWomen. When we didnt #BelieveSurvivors. When we went home with the drunkest guy at the party the guy whod spent the night boasting about sexual assault, making fun of disabled people, praising Nazis, and gambling with other peoples money handed him the keys and said, Ill sleep while you drive.

Wake. Up. And. Vote. Everything and everyone depends on it.


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