Wednesday 28 November 2018

I’m Not Leaving Without My Pet

Dear Andreus,

My ex and I were together for 5 years.  In that time, I bought him a dog. She is beautiful, and I bought her home at 4 months old.  Though she was a gift to him in the early stages of our relationship, I took care of her pretty much all the time.  Now that we have separated, due to his infidelity, I want the dog. Since I have invested so much time and energy into caring for her, I think it is only fair.  Am I wrong?


Not Without My Daughter

Dear Not Without My Daughter,

These situations are tough.  Pets often have a place in our lives, as if they were human children.  The reality is that if you gave her to him as a gift, then it is not right to take her away.  A gift is given to keep, not to withdraw when things change. Maybe you two can come to an arrangement.  You could always take turns keeping her, that way no one feels at a loss. If you both love the dog, then you will put your differences aside and focus your love on her. After all, she is innocent.

Dear Andreus,

My boyfriend and I have had a pretty decent relationship.  He is very big on careers and making money and has always said that he could not date someone who doesn’t have a job.  Recently, I lost my job, and have had a difficult time finding another one or at least one that I want. I do have a good amount of savings, which allows me to sustain myself.  The issue is that I am scared to tell him, in fear that he will leave. I know that it is only a matter of time before he finds out. I don’t know what to do.


Unemployed Lover

Dear Unemployed Lover,

Okay.  I think we all like having someone in our lives who is independent and can take care of themselves without our help.  If he is going to leave you just because you lost your job, then LET HIM GO. If it is that easy for him to go, then you must question his loyalty to begin with.  Things happen in life that are sometimes beyond our control. Clearly it seems that this is just a hiccup for you, so if he really loves you, or wants to be with you, then he should understand that.  If you are using your own money to sustain yourself, and not leeching off him, then there should be no complaint. You have nothing to be ashamed of. If he can’t accept it, then on to the next one. Love and cupidity can never have a balanced existence together.


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