Tuesday 4 December 2018

A Fitter You is as Easy as a Walk in the Park

What if I told you that there is a workout that is totally free, requires no specialized equipment, and it’s available practically 24/7? By the way, you can do it on your own, with a buddy, in a group setting, or with your favorite pet. You guessed correctly, it’s called walking! This basic, everyday activity may not prepare you for a body-building competition or help you run a marathon, but its benefits to your health and well-being are immense. Here are some reasons why you should start walking more in your life.

Walking is an easy and pleasant way to stay active even if you’re not an exercise buff or fitness enthusiast. According to the American Heart Association the best way to walk is at a “brisk pace”, identified as 3-4 MPH. While it may take novices awhile to reach this optimum speed, even walking at a leisurely pace consistently can produce results as well. I like to challenge clients to take some light hand weights with them to get upper body moving as they walk. Varying the pace and throwing in some calisthenics can produce additional results.

Walking can benefit your heart. A significant study in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that subjects who walked a mile or two for six months lowered their blood pressure by nearly 11 points. In addition, the Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that participants in a walking group experienced a drop in their resting heart rate of nearly three beats per minute. Beyond a doubt, a simple walk in the park can greatly improve heart health and help you live longer.

Walking is a great way to keep your weight and cholesterol under control. Losing weight does not require spending endless hours in the gym, taking grueling classes and sweating through intense (and sometimes dangerous) cardio sessions. A brisk walk of say, 20-30 minutes four to five times a week has been shown to produce healthy weight loss and lower Body Mass Index (BMI). In addition, clients who walk regularly have reported higher levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower level levels of the bad stuff (LDL).

Walking can elevate mood and improve mental health overall. Ever notice the little high you get after a good workout in the gym? That’s because physical activity can spike the levels of “feel good” hormones in your system. These same endorphins are produced and pumped into your system after a good walk. Walking outdoors in the sunshine and beautiful Florida weather can also help you rise above the stress and chaos of the daily grind. Try a brisk walk around your neighborhood, on the beach or at the park without your cell phone.

With all this information, why not start walking today to prevent that holiday stress from getting the best of you.  Walk more in 2019 and I promise you’ll see and feel the results pronto!

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/04/a-fitter-you-is-as-easy-as-a-walk-in-the-park/

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