Tuesday 18 December 2018

Should I Tell My Friend His Boyfriend is Cheating?

Dear Andreus,

My dearest and closest friend is dating a guy who is cheating on him.  I have seen him on several occasions making out with people, and even saw him at one of the local baths in full action.  Every time I see him doing something, he asks me to please not say anything. I feel obligated to tell my friend, but he is so into him, that I am afraid he won’t believe me.  Should I tell him anyway or keep quiet?


Concerned Friend

Dear Concerned Friend,

Sometimes, well most of the time, people are blinded by love… or lust.  You will always be able to see things on the outside that they cannot see.  For that reason, there is a chance that you could tell your friend what is happening, and he get upset thinking that you are jealous or trying to sabotage his relationship.  On the flip side though, when everything inevitably comes to the light and he potentially finds out that you knew and didn’t say anything, you might lose your friendship. I would most certainly tell him.  If you guys are that close, then eventually he will realize that it was in his best interest.

Dear Andreus,

After six years of being with the same guy, I want out.  Things are not the same anymore, and I have tried everything I know how to save our relationship.  He doesn’t take responsibility for anything, and I am just not happy. We don’t have sex, and he barely pays any attention to me when we are home together.  I have tried to tell him that I feel lonely, but he doesn’t get it. I just don’t want to hurt him by leaving. Should I stay or should I go?



Dear Trapped

I cannot tell you whether to stay or to go.  That is most certainly a decision that you must make for yourself.  Only you know the extent of what is happening within your relationship, and if your heart is in it anymore.  What I will tell you is that the whole point of being in a relationship is to be happy. If you are not happy with your partner, then maybe the first thing to do is to look at the things that are making you unhappy.  Is it at all possible to work together with your partner to change these things? Each of you make a list of the pros and cons of your relationship from your point of view, compare them without prejudice or pride, and see if somehow you can work it out.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/18/should-i-tell-my-friend-his-boyfriend-is-cheating/

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