Monday 24 December 2018

Resolve to Stay Fit and Fabulous in 2019

It’s that momentous time of the year to look back and reflect upon 2018 and look forward to 2019 and all that it holds in store for you. Own your finest achievements and quit crying over past failures. Now’s the time to raise the bar and resolve to improve and excel. Note: Whatever resolutions you make, don’t “should” yourself to death. Instead, focus upon why you’re acting and how these actions will improve your life. Set goals and make resolutions that are specific, realistic, measurable and time-based.

Resolution #1: Never skip breakfast

Research shows that people who eat breakfast tend to take in more vitamins and minerals, and less fat and bad cholesterol throughout the day. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating a variety of foods (steel cut oatmeal, whole grain toast, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruit) rich in protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.                                                                                     

Resolution#2: Be more active                                                              

Perhaps the best way to improve your health is to get active and stay moving all day. Try working out in the morning if your schedule permits. If you’re already working out, but feel like you’re in a rut, revise your training regime, mix it up, try new things. No time for the gym? Take the stairs at work. Park farther away from your place of business so that you must walk more steps to work. How about a quick power walk at lunchtime, or some calisthenics in the break room?                                                                                                                

Resolution#3: Visit your doctor.

An annual check-up with your doctor is one of the best ways to stay pro-active about your health. Keep tabs on your heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels before they require medications. Get screened for cancer. You don’t need a referral for a mammogram if you’re over 40 or for a colonoscopy if your older than 50.

Resolution #4: Drink in moderation.

40% of adults in the US drink in excess, a 10% increase since 2014. Drinking in moderation is defined as having 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men. Alcohol affects the brain and can cause adverse changes in mood, behavior and thinking. Excessive consumption can cause stretching of the heart muscle, irregular heart rate, high blood pressure, a fatty liver and several cancers.  

Resolution #5: Protect your largest organ.

Your skin begins to age the moment you’re born, so the best way to preserve its youthfulness is to limit your sun worshipping. In order to avoid some of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, which create wrinkles and skin cancer, observe the following: Always wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher; wear protective clothing; avoid damaging tanning beds.

Resolution #6: Talk about mental health.

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks are just a few of the ways your frenetic lifestyle can manifest itself on your soul and psyche. Psychiatrists often don’t take insurance which makes getting help expensive. Talking over problems with a friend or your physician is a great first step, and often all you need to find relief and gain a new perspective.


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