Tuesday 11 December 2018

Is My Best Friend Jealous of my Boyfriend?

Dear Andreus,

I think I have the worst dilemma that anyone could have.  I recently started dating this guy. He is just my type. Nerdy, quirky, a bit goofy, and super cute.  The problem is that my best friend, who I spend mostly all my free time with, doesn’t like him. He can’t give me an answer other than, he feels that my new boyfriend is annoying, and not the right match for me.  It has come to a point now that my best friend doesn’t really hang out with me much anymore, because he feels some type of way about this guy. What should I do? How do I keep both in my life and have some type of balance?


Looking for Balance

Dear Looking for Balance,

You are never going to be able to control whether people like each other or not.  That is just human nature. What attracts us to some people, is the very thing that might turn other people off.  Unless the person you are with is toxic in some way or hurting you, you really should not stress yourself out worrying about whether your best friend likes him or not.  Your best friend is not dating him, you are. You must create the balance. Designate time with your best friend and with your boyfriend. If it is uncomfortable for your best friend to be around him, then don’t create scenarios where they are both involved.  It could be that your best friend is jealous. That doesn’t mean it is intentional, but this is what happens sometimes when we start relationships. Sometimes friends feel left out.

Dear Andreus,

I have a dilemma. My boyfriend and my bestie have become really good friends and taken to hanging out together sometime when I am busy. My boyfriend doesn’t seem to think there is anything wrong with this, and neither does my best friend. I am very old-fashioned when it comes to relationships, so it bothers me. Am I wrong for feeling this way?


Old Schooler

Dear Old Schooler,

I don’t think that your way of thinking has to do with being old school or traditional at all.  I think that it is very logical. I was always taught to never let your best friend and your significant other spend too much time together.  Honestly, unless they are doing something for you, they should not be hanging out together unless it is with you. If they both love you and value your relationship with each of them, they will take your feelings into consideration.  Another question you might wanna ask them both is – Why they feel the need to spend so much time together?

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/11/is-my-best-friend-jealous-of-my-boyfriend/

1 comment:

  1. Keep everyone else away from your spouse. You have no idea what the next person is thinking. If you say "My husband/wife would never cheat with my friends then you need to wake-up.If given the opportunity to happen it most certainly will happen.I don't even need for my blood sisters, cousins, to have a close relationship with my spouse,i learnt my lesson after my husband's best friend clearly had two years sexual affair with my husband,i knew my husband's behavior became unusual but i never suspected it to be with his male friend.All thanks to 'hackingloop6@ gmail . c o m' for their investigative and hacking service that helped me gain access to all his phone activities remotely,though the saga was so painful,but i feel much better facing my fears. hackingloop is also reachable on + 1 (612) 502 - 3647,  .contact him for any hacking related issue,he helped me with the evidence i needed.please keep everyone else out of your relationships. Don't give 'em a head start on their deceit.
