Tuesday 11 December 2018

Peter LaBarbera Placed in Facebook Jail for Transphobic Posts

OMG, you will never believe this but Peter LaBarbera is in jail.

Just kidding, kind of.

For those of you familiar with LaBarbera, the specter behind Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, youd be forgiven for assuming that he was in jail for hate-criming someone probably a transgender teenager wanting to attend prom or something.

In reality, LaBarbera is merely in Facebook jail. (But, then again, arent we all?) LaBarbera is super upset about his 30-day suspension from Facebook after posting photos of Alex Jacob’s post top surgery along with an invitation to the AFTAH banquet, promising that AFTAH would help stop transgender insanity and gender deviance and body mutilation.

The picture is from the Twitter feed of Alex, a beautiful young woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed two years ago in her tragic quest to identify as a man, LaBarbera writes.

A couple of things. First, whether or not LaBarbera thinks pre-op Alex is beautiful is irrelevant. Note to LaBarbera: Alexs body isnt, wasnt, and never will be your business. The only thing tragic about this whole thing is LaBarberas obsession with LGBTQ people and his commitment to hating them.

Second, LaBarbera links to Alexs Twitter feed and so I went to check it out and oh my god alex has the cutest corgi puppy named charlotte sorry i am literally dead from acute cuteness! (OK, so Im not literally dead, Im figuratively dead.)

But Alexs Twitter isnt all cute puppies. Its got a fair share of trans realness, too.

Sometimes I have these lil moments where I look in the mirror n see the way a shirt falls over my flat chest n get so ecstatic, Alex Tweets. It’s been over 2 yrs. since top surgery & it’s easy to forget about the pain I felt pre-op but I don’t think I’ll ever stop having these moments of pure joy n comfort in my own body.

Pure joy and comfort, huh? Thats a lot different than the tragic quest LaBarbera depicted. The pain Alex is referring to isnt physical pain, but emotional pain. Its a pain that cisgender people dont, and probably cant, fully understand. And its why LaBarberas insistence that people like Alex are damaged and sick is so appalling. Trans people have higher rates of suicide precisely because of the kind of societal pressure rejection LaBarbera traffics in.

Not that anyone needs to tell Alex that.

Transphobes will treat trans people like freaks & deny us basic human rights only to later use our high suicide rates as proof that we don’t deserve validation & support, Jacobs said.

Its a vicious circle, and one that literally costs lives.

So LaBarbera can spare me his sob story about his cyber exile.

To tell you the truth, LaBarbera writes, I cant even keep track anymore of how many times I or AFTAH have been jailed or unpublished by these leftist Tech Totalitarians in the last few years.

For someone who claims to be a purveyor of truth, LaBarbera sure lies a lot. But in this case, I believe him. He probably cant keep track of all of the times hes faced consequences for advocating hate against LGBTQ people. However, the number of times he has either faced no consequences or has even benefitted from peddling hate is far, far greater.

I dont have any answers on how to combat this escalating corporate speech control, which is far more menacing than the government hate crime laws conservatives feared for so many years, he writes.

If LaBarbera thinks its tough to be a right-wing bigot online he should try being, say, any woman with an opinion on Twitter. Women online get rape and death threats for posting things like, I really loved the all-female Ghostbusters reboot! And even when the accounts of those threats are reported, they often dont get put into Facebook or Twitter jail. They just hang out there, unchecked, just like sexism and misogyny IRL.

LaBarbera will not be deterred, however.

We must never, ever, ever give in to this radical, anti-God LGBTQueer sex-and-gender revolution and its apologists, he writes. Their agenda harms children, and we cannot let them silence us. Hopefully reason and sanity will prevail over the growing LGBTyranny that threatens our cherished freedoms as Americans.

Ah, yes. Our cherished freedoms to post super shitty things about people on Facebook. Like the founding fathers intended.

Keep on fighting, LaBarbera writes.

And the truth is, LaBarbera truly is fighting the good fight. Hes just on the wrong side. Oh, and his Twitter feed has no cute Corgi puppies AT ALL. Complete waste.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/11/peter-labarbera-placed-in-facebook-jail-for-transphobic-posts/

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