Tuesday 11 December 2018

Six Steps to Help Control Your Holiday Eating

The holiday season can be stressful for a variety of reasons, and if you’re serious about your workouts and proper nutrition, you may feel especially concerned. Temptation lurks on every buffet table, at every party, and at every family gathering. Most often these demons attack in the guise of favorites like creamy eggnog, home- made baked goods, scrumptious hors d’oeuvres and other calorie dense culprits. As social commitments and holiday chores multiply you find it harder to hit the gym. As frustrations grow, the temptation to give into binge eating grows heavily upon you.

Don’t panic! Stay active. Get to the gym as often as you can. Here are a few steps you can take to keep your eating in check.

Moderation is the key – Food is more plentiful during the holidays, but you don’t have to be a slave to your cravings. Find a happy balance that suits your dietary needs and body building goals. Have a cookie, but not the whole tray. Try not to give into binge eating or stress eating because you’re depressed. Don’t let friends and family push food on you.

Fill up before you go to dinner or parties – Many people overemphasize the communal activity of eating over enjoying the company of friends. Focus on the social activity when you are at a gathering instead of staking out the buffet table. Eat a good- sized body building meal before you go out so that you aren’t hungry and tempted to pig-out on fattening foods.

Have a plan in mind – Ever hear the adage, “If you can’t beat them, join them?” Consider using the season between Thanksgiving and New Years to bulk up. I don’t mean that you should eat indiscriminately; instead, eat turkey and other high protein foods. Keeping yourself full of body building foods will help you stay focused when faced with fruitcake and pecan pie.

Fill up on fiber – Many people do not eat enough raw fruit and vegetables to begin with, but almost every holiday buffet table has a tray of these front and center. Heap your plate with veggies and fruit and you’ll get plenty of good fiber and vitamins.

Eat smaller meals more frequently – Eating several smaller meals more frequently helps you burn more calories. If these meals consist of low fat, high protein foods like chicken, tuna, hard boiled eggs, tofu, yogurt, and whole grains you will feel fuller, and less tempted by holiday no-no’s like cookies and fudge.

Get Involved in Food Preparation – If you’re hosting a party make sure that you provide a healthy array of foods that you can enjoy guilt-free. If you’re going to a party, bring a vegetable tray or a healthy casserole. That way you’ll know that there will be something healthy for you to eat and your host will think that you are a caring and generous person.

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/11/six-steps-to-help-control-your-holiday-eating/

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