Tuesday 18 December 2018

Six Powerful Tips to Pack on More Muscle in 2019

Recently I’ve been listening to client’s voice their health and fitness goals for 2019. Of high priority on each list is the desire to pack on a few more pounds of muscle. Yet how can you do this if you don’t have endless hours to spend in the gym lifting progressively heavier weights that might incur injury? Here are six powerful tips that are sure to produce maximum results in the coming months.

First, you must have a sound nutritional program that will support your workouts, otherwise you’re wasting your time. Eat at least 5 to 6 times a day using a 3-2-1 ratio of carbs, protein and fat at each carefully planned meal. This is the perfect recipe for jacking your metabolism to support your workouts, building muscle, and burning fat. Be careful not to pig out! Go online or consult an app to calculate your BMI, then add 500 calories to that number for a start.

Second, and crucial for your nutritional program, you must take in more protein. The International Sports Sciences Association suggests .8 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. Other sources suggest trying 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. Eating lean fresh chicken, fish, beef and low- fat dairy will ensure a healthy protein intake. As a rule of thumb, eat a high protein and carbohydrate meal an hour before training. Post workout, consume a whey protein shake about a half hour after the gym to maximize recovery and growth.

Third, shoot for shorter, more intense workouts, say 5-6 times per week. Rep ranges of eight to twelve per set play a significant role in building mass. Push yourself to lift heavier weights, using good form with no more than 4 exercises or 20 sets per muscle group. Use a trainer or a workout buddy, but you must lift heavier weight to build more muscle. Workouts should never last much longer than 45 minutes to an hour. With more intense work, you must safeguard yourself against injuries and overtraining.

Four, you must monitor your workout program. Periodize your training so that you hit different muscle groups on different days. Incorporate full-body, multi-joint exercises (military presses, dead lifts, squats and bench presses) into sessions to ensure that you’re recruiting as many muscles as possible. Mix up your routine and don’t be afraid to try new exercises.

Five, stretching is beneficial both pre and post-workout. Stretching, especially between sets, will help you stay flexible, prevent injuries, and improve recovery by flushing waste products from tired muscles.

Finally, you must take time for rest and recovery. Muscles grow not when you’re pounding them with monster reps. The best gains happen when you’re sleeping, that’s when important hormonal changes are affecting your body. The ideal amount of shut-eye is 7-8 hours per night. Here’s to a new year filled with growth, gains and good health!

source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/18/six-powerful-tips-to-pack-on-more-muscle-in-2019/

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